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CHAPTER 9 (Operating Systems)


Objectives Overview
ü  Define an operating system
ü  Describe the start-up process and shutdown options on computers and mobile devices
ü  Explain how an operating system provides a user interface, manages programs, manages memory, and coordinates tasks
ü  Explain how an operating system enables users to control a network or administer security
ü  Summarize the features of several desktop operating systems
ü  Briefly describe various server operating systems
ü  Summarize the features and uses of several mobile operating systems

Operating System
Operating system (OS) is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer and mobile device hardware
v  Start and shut down a computer or mobile device
v  Provide a user interface
v  Manage programs
v  Manage memory
v  Coordinate tasks
v  Configure devices
v  Establish an Internet connection
v  Monitor performance
v  Provide file management and other device or media-related tasks
v  Updating operating system software
v  Control a network
v  Administer security
Operating Systems Function 
Ø  Starting Computers and Mobile Devices

If a computer or mobile device is off, you press a power button to turn it on 

Ø  User interface (UI) : Controls how you enter data and instructions and how information is displayed on the screen
Ø  How an operating system handles programs directly affects your productivity
o   Single tasking and multitasking
o   Foreground and background
o   Single user and multiuser

Ø  Driver : A small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with a specific device
Ø  Plug and Play : Automatically configures new devices as you install them
Ø  Operating systems often provide users with a variety of tools related to managing a computer, its devices, or its programs.

For example :
·         File Manager
·         Search
·         Image Viewer
·         Uninstaller
·         Disk Cleanup
·         Disk Defragmenter
·         Screen Saver
·         File Compression
·         PC Maintenance
·         Backup and Restore

Ø  Automatic update : Automatically provides new features or corrections to the program

Desktop Operating Systems
Desktop operating system : A complete operating system that works on desktops, laptops, and some tablets
For examples :
1.    Windows
2.    Mac OS
3.    UNIX : a multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s
4.    Linux : a popular, multitasking UNIX-based operating system
Server Operating Systems
For example :
§  Windows Server
§  OS X Server
§  Linux
Mobile Operating Systems
ü  Android : An open source, Linux-based mobile operating system designed by Google for smartphones and tablets

ü  iOS : developed by Apple, is a proprietary mobile operating system specifically made for Apple’s mobile devices

ü  Windows Phone : developed by Microsoft, is a proprietary mobile operating system that runs on some smartphones


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