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CHAPTER 2 ( The Internet)

Chapter 2 (The Internet) 

The Objectives Overviews
v  Discuss the evolution of the internet
v  Briefly describe various broadband Internet connections
v  Describe the purpose of an IP address and its relationship to a domain name
v  Describe features of browsers and identify the components of a web address
v  Describe ways to enter effective search text
v  Explain benefits and risks of using social networking sites
v  Explain how the web uses graphic, animation, audio, video, and virtual reality
v  Describe uses of various types of websites.
v  Identity the rules of netiquette

What is Internet actually?
Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of business, government agencies, educational institutions and individuals.

Evolution Of Internet
Originated as ARPANET with two goals :
1.    Allow scientists at difference physical locations share information and work together.
2.    Function even if part of the network were disabled or destroyed by a disaster.

Connecting to the Internet
By using computers or any device that connected with wired connections or without it.
1.    Cable Internet servive
2.    DSL (Digital Subcriber Line)
3.    Fiber to the Premises(FTTP)
1.    Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
2.    Mobile Broadband
3.    Fixed Wireless
4.    Satellite Internet Servive

Internet Service Provider (ISP) = A business that provides individuals and organization access to the Internet free or for fee. (Unifi,TM,Celcom)
IP address = A sequence of numbers that uniquely indentifies each computer or device connected to the Internet.
World Wide Web(www)/(web) = consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents(webpages)
Browser = An application that enables users with an Internet connection to access and view webpages on a computer or mobile device. (Google, MozillaFirefox)

The World Wide Web
There are 13 types of Web sites, here are some examples :

a. Blogs
b. Wikis
c. Entertainment
d. Health and Science

Media On The Web
Multimedia refers to any application that combines text with :
ü  Graphics = A digital representation of nontext information
ü  Video
ü  Animation = The appearance of motion created by playing a series of still images in sequences
ü  Audio = Includes music, speech, or any sound
ü  Virtual Reality = The use of computers to stimulate a real or imagined environment that appears as a three-dimensional space

Other Internet Service
Email = The transmission of messages and files via a computer network.
Email Program = Allows you to create, send, receive, forward, store, print, and delete email messages.
Instant Messaging (IM) = A real-time Internet communications service.
Discussion Forum = An online area in which users have written discussions about a particular subject.

VoIP (Voice over IP) enables users to speak to othes users over the Internet (viber, whatsapp,skype)
Examples :
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) = An Internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading to and from other computers on the Internet.
Netiquette = The code of acceptable Internet behaviour.


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